Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Games games games !

War video games for our generation play a big role in many teens lives. Talking about war shooter games and how they are a big controversey portraying the violence of war. These video games are made to recreate scences of war. I know that they are made to entretain teens, as well as show them a little bit about the way war really is. But the only people that really know the way war is are the soilders that have actually fought in war. There is a big debate on wether or not games that portray war should be allowed to exist. Many people would argue that the games diminish the violence that actually occurs in real war. Some games for example are, Call of Duty, and the new version, Black OPS. These games seem to be very popular among teens, my little brother has both games and he always looks foward to getting home to play. I asked him why he likes those types of games so much and he told me helikes them because he gets to shoot people and he likes all the types of guns. These game have TONS of violence, the main point of it is to kill people. Many people may say it is just a game but in my opinion these games do influence teens, it doesnt neccesarily mean that since they play and kill in the game they are going to go out in real life and kill people but they will have a some what more violent point of view. I think it makes them a little more aggressive.

First of these games are made to kill people, if you die then you get more lives. In reality war is not like that, once you die at war you are dead. You dont get more lives, you also dont get to switch guns when ever you want. "There is no reset button" in real life! Soilders in real life may get wounded in war, lose a leg or an arm. They dont only physically get effected but they are also mentally effected. War does have an affect on soilders they are mentally traumatized. Instead when you play any of the video games, you dont get wounded, you dont loose body parts and you are not mentally traumatized, you just turn of the game and keep on living your life.

I dont think that those war games shouldnt exist but i think they should be more realistic, actually show teens how war is. Offcourse there will still be a reset button but somehow they video game companies can limit the violence and make the games a bit more realistic.

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