Tuesday, December 7, 2010

From weeks... to seconds...

Reading the letters from all the soilders and then thinking to yourself how tough it is to go to war and have only one way to communicate with others, it is very eye opening. It makes me realize how greatful i shold be for technology we have now a days. Way back when the war began many soldiers went to Europe or other countries we have fought in to serve their country. That was what was expected of them,the people being sent were young males who have not even gotten to live their lives. It may have been a teenager straight out of high school who never left home, or someone who may have recently got married or who just had a baby. There were no excuses, they all had to go. Being at war, they were able to write to their families once it a while. They had to write everything they had on their mind everything they wanted to tell a loved one and everything that had been going out in their lives. Then send it, but for the letter to arrive it would take weeks. Just imagine the soilder writes the letter, it arrives weeks later when thesoilder may be at risk of dying at war. Now a days we have text messaging, email, and instant messaging. If i want to tell a friend or family member somthing i cant do it within minutes, even seconds. Instead of feeling alone at war, having no one to talk to i can just send a text message and have someone to talk to instantly. Looking back at the time where all they had were letters and the hope of it arriving on time seems hard. Comparing the way things were before to how technology is now, we should all be ggreatful for all the great advantages we have.

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