Monday, May 23, 2011


Oh no , Fidel officially has complete power of Cuba ! -____-
01/01/59 12:18 AM

Oh wow so Cuba aligned with the Soviet Union. Doesn't scare me! HA !

Okay... this is way more stressful than it should be...
3/21/61 3:10 PM

Time for bay of Pigs Mission , wish me luck !
4/18/61 2:48 PM

The idea is Fidel out, and we take over !!!
5/20/61 8:01 AM

All these letter back and for with Khrushchev = ANNOYING
But its for out own good.
6/8/61 5:55 PM

evidence of Soviet missile installations in Cuba NOT GOOD >:l

An American U-2 is shot down over Cuba killing the pilot, god bless him <3
10/27/62 7:15 AM

I just heard Khrushchev announce over Radio Moscow that he has agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT ! :)
10/28/62 10:23 AM

Peace at last ! <3
10/28/62 1:30 PM


8 Words Too Little- War In Iraq

"Bullets are going into hearts of little ones.
Kids dodging bombs just to get home
To find out their loved ones have gone"

The lyrics of this song are expressing how much the kids suffer because of the war. There are kids that unfortunetly end up in the area in which the war is going on and either they end up getting hurt or have to come home to no parents.
This song is similar to the songs from the vietnam war because they are anti-war. Telling the liteners how much people actually suffer but those are not the things we see.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Meritocracy is an elite group of people whose progress is based on ability and talent rather than on class privilege or wealth. During the time of segregation meritocracy was the complete opposite. People had a bigger opportunity in progress due to their social class and wealth which mostly involved white people. Colored perople did not have nearly half as much of privalage and opportunity as the white. Whether it was in school or at work. In A Class Divided, where the students perform better on the phonics task when they are in the group labeled superior than when those same students are in the group designated as inferior. Is an example of meritocracy, although it may be true people dont have the same mind set while working with the superior or the inferior group. I believe that you shouldnt set your mind on how far or how much you will achive according to the people around you. That should be a personal goal whether your are working with the best or the worst.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Topic 11 concept guide

MLK and Civil Disobedience-
-MLK Jr. was one of the most important leader through the Civil Rights Movement.
-MLK used Civil Disobedience, he would organize events where people would not fight back, they would just sit there and take the abuse.
- Montgomery Bus Boycott. Was one of the main events he planed. It lasted 381 days.
-At the end of the boycott thanks to MLK and Rosa Parks, Colored people were able to sit anywhere on the bus and did not have to give up their seat.

Power of the Mob
-very large group of people.
-Mobs usually get together to protest.
-This combined with Civil Disobedience always turned out in a win for the mobs.

Plessy v. Ferguson vs. Brown v. Board of Education
-Plessy v. Ferguson is a law that states "seperate but equal."
- Refers to the facilities such as bathrooms, water fountains, prisons, maternity wards, movies, buses, etc.
-Brown v. Board of Education overturned Plessy v. Ferguson in the year 1954 because it was considered unequal and unconstitutional. Which ment there could not be seperate facilities for different colored people.

Civil Rights Goals:
-People became very concerened.
-The main goals for the Civil Rights Movement was to get equal rights for colored people.
-Equal rights in the areas of Education and public facilities were a major area that the great leaders, MLK and Malcom X targeted.
-Freedom Rides, is where the black would drive to the deep south, and violate Jim Crow laws.
-Sometimes white college students would join .
Also, Malcolm Little, which changed his name to Malcolm X due to the whole slavery passing down the last name from it's white owner.

Eisenhower's role in Little Rock:
-In Little rock, Arkansas there was a school that was racially segregated and did not allow black students to enter.
-The school decided to create a blockade for the Nine black students to not enter the school.
-President Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne after Governor Orvill Faubus sent 10,000 of the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine selected colored students to integrate into Central High School.
-there were angry mobs behind them screaming and yelling at them because they did not believe in the idea of having to go to school with colored people.

Rights of the Accused:
-Gideon v Wainwright said that the 6th Amendment requires counsel for defendants who are unable to afford their attorney.
- If they are not able to pay for an attorney taxes will pay for legal representation.
- Escobedo v Illinois said that criminal suspects have the right to counsel during police interrogation.
- Miranda v Arizona said that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with a counsel prior to interrogation.

Brown v. Board of Education:
-Over-ruled Plessy v. Ferguson.
-It stated that Plessy v. Ferguson was unequal and unconstitutional.
- Color ignites a movement.
-Oliver Brown sues school board, on behalf of his 8 year old daughter because she shouldn't be going to a school only for blacks.

Chavez and the United Farm Workers:
-Chavez formed the UFW to help earn rights for migrant workers through Civil Disobedient acts.
-He organized a very famous strike, the Delano Grape Strike.
-Participated in fasts to support different social issues.
-Though Chavez fought for Migrant rights, he was Anti-Immigration.

FHA & ADA - The Federal Housing Administration:
-Federal Housing Administration, US government agency that insured loans made by banks and other private lenders for home building and home buying.
-Improved housing standards and conditions.
-Provided an adequate home financing system through insurance of mortgage loans.
-Stabilize the mortgage market.
-Americans with Disabilities Act, a wide ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability.

Purpose of Filibusters:
-Used to prevent the opposing side from talking.
-A filibuster will talk continuously about random things (irrelavant), for hours at a time.
-They are very successful in court.

Sit-ins and Protest:
-Sit-in is when a group of people go into a restaurants and sit at the chairs, they would be denied to be served.
-Police would go in to remove them from the restaurant.
-The people put up a fight by acting as dead weight.
- Those people were imprisoned.
-After they would be removed, another group of people would come to replace them.
- The same process would happen over an over , and when he people that were sent to jail go out they would go straight back to the restaurants and do it all over again.
-This is very effective because the restaurant would lose business because of the sit-ins and all the people trying to get them out

Monday, April 25, 2011

I am poem

I am different

I wonder if they know how I feel
I hear the anger in their voices
I see the rage in their eyes
I want to be accepted

I am different

I pretend i'm okay
I feel scared
I need to be strong
I worry I will fail
I cry everyday

I am different

I undrstand I am not the same
I believe in faith
I dream of a change
I try to be optimistic
I hope it will all pay off



Race Total HS Grads Total College Grads

W: 20 17
AA: 3 1
A: 6 4
H: 25 20
NA: 0 0
PI: 0 0
O: 0 0

There were a couple of races that i was not able to survey because none of the people i was able to ask these questions were neither of those races. Out of all the people i surveyed most of the people were hispanic because it was my family or close friends parents which are hispanic. All the people graduated high school and most college there was not much of a difference and the couple of people that didnt graduate from college did have reasonable reason for doing so. Our disscussion in class was about the white people having a greater advantage and i agree with that but in my survey it may look diffrent due to the fat tat most of the people i survayed where hispanic.

Friday, April 15, 2011


It was n my drafts i didnt click post SORRY!

Many people dont realize how much television influences EVERTYHING we do. May sound a little exxagerated but its true. Television is one of the best ways for companies to sell their products. As such a larger group of consumers in America we want everything we see. Commercials are what mostly influence us. All the commercials about gum, shoes, cars, toys, phones etc. Make every generation want to spend their money on that product. Television also influences us in very positive ways such as donating for a special cause such as the kids in other countries, animals, or children fighting against cancer. Some things shown on tv are not always a positive influence, for example some reality shows that are just about partying and getting wasted teens watch that and get influenced by others actions, same way a song or a video game influences people in the wrong way tv shows have an even greater effect.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This ad demonstrates the concept of sexism because it shows how the husband bought his wife a mixer to cook. As if it made cooking easier and better for women to cook. This portrays the idea that men use to believe that women were better in the kitchen and thats where they belong. But their wrong. The men thought that just because they bought their wifes electronics to help with the kitchen it would make it better for them to be in the kitchen. "thats what wives are for" in the text on the ad is what mainly shows how women were seen in the 1950's. It is unfair and very sexist that men thought that way of women. Women are just as equal as men

Rockwell Art

Only if you knew what i really felt inside. I don't think i have felt this happy in a very long time. It was a very beautiful snowy cold morning and i was fast asleep when my mom walks in my room more excited than ever. She was jumping around like a little girls telling me and my little sister to wake up. Its been a while since I've seen such a big smile on my mothers face. I quickly got up and asked her why she was so happy. After a huge hug she gave us , she tells us that my father was coming home soon, she said he called her and told her they were finally letting him come home. Once she told us we all started dancing around and now our feelings were just like my moms! A year after my little sister was born, she is now 6. As soon as she told us the wonderful news we all ran over the the big window in my parents bedroom on the second floor that faces the front yard. We all sat there impatiently waiting for my dad to pull up and after many years feel his great big teddy bear hugs.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Topic 10 concept guide

McCarthyism impact on society:
House Committee of Un-merican Activities
propaganda in films on communism
"Hollywood Ten" most famous writer , producers , etc.
McCarthy accused Department of State of harboring Communists
many are convicted and it was hard for them to get away with it in court.

Communist "witch hunt" and impact on those accused:
supported by anti-Communist groups
People in entertainment feild we imprisoned thousands lost their jobs.
checked the Coast Guards as well as homosexuals.
For no reason, invaded the lives of many Americans

Space Race impact on government policies:
Soviet Union beat USA to space with Sputnik 1
in 1969 US sent man to the moon
Made the US "winners"
began Cold War
US gov.'t created lots of space programs
USA puts more money into education special space field.

mindset for the US government and public:
Soviet Union beat us to space.
Soviet Union vs. USA in a technology race
USA was afraid of Communism.
Afraid of being defeated.
this led to the Cold War.

Relationship of suburbs, automobiles, and roads:
Suburbs away from cities were quieter bigger houses
1956 Interstate Highway Act
Able to live out of the busy cities yet able work in the city.
Cars became a bigger part of society

Baby Boom:
Men came home from war to their wives.
1946-1960 (peak 1955)BABY BOOM TIME!
After 20 year Depression and Wartime more couples were reunited.
caused consumer boom also because the end of WWII ended the depression.
People begin to consume a lot more.
The normal families consisted of more than 1 family vehicle, 2 kids, dad works, mom.
American Dream.

Urban-Suburban pattern:
Business District
Inner City : low income families, small houses/apartaments, subway/walk/. Cheap
Suburbs :middle income families, larger homes, cars. Average.
Further suburbs : high income families, big houses, a lot of land, cars. Expensive.

GI Bill:
Gave loans.
provided education to veterans
one year unemployment compensation
supported those who served in the war

Expansion of the middle class
Men went home from the war started which caused the baby boom
Families grew.
suburbs were the cheapest homes
they were worth $8,000
credit cards increased spending
credit cards increased from 1945 to 1960 many more people wanted to own a credit card.
There were more consumers due to economic boom and baby boom.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Casablanca Outline

A. Casablanca Morocco.
B. World war II.
C. Ricks Cafe Americain.

II. Introduction
A.Rick Blaine
1.Main character.
2.Owner of the cafe Americain ,most of the movie takes place there.
3.He is a sketchy man.
4. Has letters of transit that everyone wants, it is the only way out of Morocco.
B.Ilsa & Victor
1. Married.
2. Ilsa is Rick's ex-lover while she was still married to Victor.
3.They are looking for the letters of transit that will take them to America and find out Rick has them and try to convince him to give it to them.

III. Trouble.
A. Ilsa and Lazlo go to Ricks cafe to get the letters of transit because they want to go back to America.
1.Everybody else also want the letters of transit to go back to America.
C. Sam plays songs for Ilsa that remind her of the past between her and rick , every time she goes to the cafe she ask's him to play it again.
1. Ilsa and Rick talk about their past in Paris.
2. They explain to each other why everything happened the way it did.
3. Sam tries to keep Ilsa away from Rick.

IV. Resolution A. Rick makes a plan with the police.
1.Ilsa thinks that the plan was for her and rick to leave together to America using the letters of transit that he has and Victor will stay beind.
2.Victor thinks he is leaving with Ilsa.
3. Laszlo is let free by the captain.
4. They all meet at the airfield.
5.The plans happen to all go by the plans of Rick which is not what anyone expected.
6. Rick gives Victor and Ilsa the letters so that they could leave to America together.
7. Laszlo is shot by Rick .
8. Captain and Rick decide to keep everything on the low and rick ends the movie by saying " Louis , I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" to the captain.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Concept guide 9

Role of Women During WWII
Women only worked on the battlefield because they were either nurses or helping the injured and hurt.
Never fought in war.
They did the jobs of men who went to Europe and the Pacific to fight the war.
Once the soldiers came back the women went back to being housewives and taking care of their kids.
Some jobs they did were factory Jobs (aviation plants, weaponry production etc.)

Cause and Effect of Use of the Atomic Bomb
It killed more than 250,000 people.
United States called for a surrender of Japan on July 26, 1945.
Japan was relentless and refused to surrender.
On August 6, 1945 the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima
Japanese still did not give up
Ended WWII in the Pacific theater in August 15, Japan surrendered.

US Foreign Policy Before, During, and After the War-
US helped aid the war for allied forces and gave them weapons and battleships.
US were islonatists they did not want to join the war.
The US began to show concern in 1935. Were Isolationist.
Roosevelt disagreed with his advisors about sending resources to Europe.
The US stayed neutral until 1941.
German U-boats sunk 500 merchant ships in the 1st months of the war.
US was active in assisting Allies during the war.

Effects of the War on Europe
Most European cities were destroyed.
Many people died.
Formation of Communist Soviet Union
Strong men were lost because many were killed in the war.
Many Jews had been killed so the religion had decreased in population.
Europe was split up, borders changed

Effect of Pearl Harbor Attack
It was the first surprise attack.
Happened on 12/07/41, at 7:02 AM
America entered the war the day after.
Pacific fleet was stationed at Pearl Harbor so it was badly hit and many ships were lost.
Japanese bombers bombed the Military Base in Hawaii, Pearl Harbor.
About 2,000 people died.

Japanese Internment
Japanese Americans were sent to camps by American Government because of military tactics and they thought they could be spying on US.
Exclusion area was California, Oregon, and Washington had concentration camps for them.
Supreme court case USA vs Kormazu : he wanted to sue the federal government for violating his rights.
Later Government said sorry for this and paid money to the people who were in the camps it was about $20,000.

Neutrality Acts
Acts to stay out of the war.
US battleships could not be armed which made it pointless to have the battleships. Americans could not travel on ships in the Atlantic ocean because they were under attack from German U-boats.
embargo on arms sales (no selling of weapons)
US neutrallity laws.

Purpose of Propaganda
Get US involed on the war.
Germans also wanted other countries to attack US
It helped Germans so they did not have to fight the US.

People starved to death as their was a shortage of food during the war.
Russia starved a lot of countires and many people began to eat their own family members to live.
It made it a very hard situation to live in.
Russia wanted to destroy these people mentally and pyshically.
Many countries tried to save everything, in order to conserve resources for the war efforts.

Results of World War II
European cities were destroyed.
US economy is helped by war there was an economic boom.
It gave more money for US people whcih was good for people in US could live better. NATO was formed as a result of the red scare. 1949
Cold war.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

WWII Gas Mask

The masks were made of black rubber, which was very hot and smelly. It was difficult to breathe when wearing a gas mask. When you breathed in the air was sucked through the filter to take out the gas. When you breathed out the whole mask was pushed away from your face to let the air out.The smell of the rubber and disinfectant made some people feel sick. Gas had been used a great deal in the First World War and many soldiers had died or been injured in gas attacks. Mustard gas was the most deadly of all the poisonous chemicals used during World War I. It was almost odourless (could not be smelt easily) and took 12 hours to take effect. It was so powerful that only small amounts needed to be added to weapons like high explosive shells to have devastating effects.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bertha Adler

Bertha Adler

1. If you had the opportinity to decide what religion you would like to be, would you rather be Jewish or Catholic ?
2. Since you had to speak french in school, did your Yiddish language ever slip out ?
3. What thoughts did you have knowing that at any moment you may be caught by the Germans ?
4.On that Sunday, that your family was awakened at 5 a.m. by the Gestapo what were you feeling ?
5. Once you arrived at Auschwitz did you imagine it being the way you experienced it ?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Letter to the Principal

Dear Dr. Rhinehart,

I am writing to you to about my concern on whether history books used in school should be censored. As we all know history is a very important class. I believe that it is one of the most important because without it our generations and the next ones wouldnt know how we came to where we are now. In history we all learn about past events that have influenced on how the world is today. We learn about mistakes Empires made that lead to their downfall as well as the history certain people made, and all the wars the world have gone through. But the text books we get in classes seem to only tell us what we want to hear. We never hear the COMPLETE truth about all the horrendous things nations have gone through. Some topics that are not in ext books may be a really bad things to talk about, but it is better if wee know the truth than grow up believing that nothing ever went wrong. Because like any people have said the past may reoccur and if we dont know about those inhumane events we would not even know what to expect if that were ever to happen again, no matter what it is part of our history. In my opinion text books should not be censored or written with part of the truth of certain events, they should include all of the good and the bad times in the history of ALL the nations and not hide part of our own history , no matter how bad it may have been.
Paola Angarita

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cinderella Man : Outline

James Braddock.
Protagonist in Cinderella man.
Boxer in look for a better life for him and his family d8uring the great depression.
Wife: Mae Braddock.
Had three Children (2 boys & 1 girl.)
Best friend was Mike Wilson.
During the great depression everything got harder for him and his family.

They go from large home, to living in a shack with their three children.
Jimmy lost everything he had because of the stock market crash of 1929.
Goes out to search for jobs but it becomes hard.
The whole family is affected because of the crisis.
Things only get worse.
Jimmy gets the chance for one fight and breaks his hand while fighting.
It becomes difficult to get jobs but he still works , even with the broken hand.
Ends up going to get relief money because it is not easy to work in his condition.
Jimmy starts to fight again and has a great comeback.
At the biggining he has a couple of bad fights.
Coach , Joe is determined to get him in further that he sells all the furniture he has.
People don't believe in Jimmy.
His wife knows he wins equal money she is just nervous about him getting hurt again.
As time goes on he gets better and better, he starts winning all the fights.
Jimmy moves on to fight heavyweight and then is scheduled fight with Max Baer
People warn him not to go through with the fight because of the reputation Max has.
Jimmy stilll fights. He wins & becomes the new heavyweight champion of the world.
After the big fight he has enough money to support his family and live stress free.
In the end Jimmy still works in construction.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Evolution v.s Religion

During the 1930's it was unlawful for teacher to teach or lecture their students about evolution. During that time period it was mandatory for teachers to teach about creation and religion. Americans were completly opposed to evolution during the 1930's. John Scopes was a high school teacher put on trial for teaching students about evolution. Now a days it is the complete apposite, teachers are not allowed to teach or lecture their students about religion. Every one has their ow belief on how we have come to how we are today. People may have a different point of view but for all we know, neither of them may be right, or they might be. Either of these theories do not have an actual 100% defnition. No one knows the absolute truth. In my opinion, neither of them should be baned from teaching. Why teach one and not the other ? Teaching religion and evolution is school should be allowed because this way students will learn about both theories and from there they can believe which ever one they believe is true. I dont agree with having one or the other, just because you teach religion doesnt mean that you have to convert into that religion. Learning about it doesnt mean your are forced to believe what you are being taught. I believe teaching both would not be easy but it doesnt seem right that in the 1930's religion was allowed to be taught and now it is not, it should just be fair and allow eacher to teach about both theories. Either way it will never be one hundered percent sure on how humas got here and how it all started.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Study Giude .07

Scopes Trial
The biology teacher, John Scopes was arrested for teaching evolution to his students.
There was a lot of media attention and national publicity
He was found guilty.
Evolution was taught in schools and religion was not allowed to be taught it was unlawful
Women's organizations believed that drinking increased domestic violence and child abuse
The IRS was the main enforcer of Prohibition
Henry Ford wanted to stop alcohol because he needed his employees to be productive and sober.
18th Amendment banned manufacture and sale of alcohol
1933, 21st Amendment is approved, repealing 18th amendment
ut it did NOT ban consumption, possession, or transportation
Prohibition actually created more bars (speakeasies) than before
"Bootleggers" "Moonshine" "Bathtub Gin" "Rum Runners"
Most of the rum came from Canada
Women of the 1920's
Showed their legs (gams)
Wore a LOT of makeup
Economic Issues
Credit for consumers available (dangerous)
Low interest rates
Introduction of the installment plan
Credit cards
Stock market
Buying on a margin if stock market went down you would be in a lot of debt with the stock brokers
Dust Bowl
Severe dust storms
Caused by drought and extensive farming without crop rotation
Over 500,000 Americans were left homeless
Not rotating fields
Agriculture Issues
No crop rotation and deep plowing created large dust storms
agricultural depression
Farmers were overproducing because now machines do all the work!
Immigration Policies
Laws became more strict
US could do without immigrants
Emergency Quota Act of 1921 te ethnic groups were limited to 3% of 1910 population
National Origins Act of 1924: ethnic groups limited to 2% of 1890 census
there were no Asians allowed because of all the conflict.
Restrictions on the number of immigrants coming into the states
Immigrant restrictions became stricter
Afraid of Communism spreading
KKK had 3 million members and used Nativist rhetoric
Americans were for isolationism following the end of WWI
1920 Significant Literary Works
Main Kampf ,Hitler
The Great Gatsby,Fitzgerald Life during the 1920's
The Jungle,Sinclair told truth of mat process
How the Other Half Lives ,Riis how other half lives
The Ways of White Folks ,Hughes
Unsafe Atany Speed, Nader safety issues of cars.
The Great Migration
African Americans moved from the rural south to the city, North
Increase in African American population
Better employment and education opportunities for the blacks
About 7 million African Americans move North
Harlem Renaissance
African American artistic movement
InNew York City
Involved Music,writing,dance
Blacks were showing their pride for their race
An explosion of culture which had never happened before
Sacco and Vanzetti
They were Italian Anarchists
Died because they were accused and charged with robbery and murder
Sentenced to death,during the Red Scare
Lies, they died electrecuted.
1920 Labor Issues
Wages increased, while work time decreased
The amount of strikes increased
Unemployment rate = 5%
The Red Scare
Afraid of Communism
Bolshevik Revolution
Afraid of un-American behavior and foreigners
Palmer Raids: arresting un-Americans without evidence
Lenin comes to power in Russia
Schenk vs. USA
Schenck sent letters to draftees saying that the draft was motivated by capitalists It upheld the Espionage Act
Schenck's conviction was decided constitutional

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

Invertigating the Sccco and Vanzetti case has been one of the most interesting yet tough tasks throughout my career. These two men were Italian anarchists that were charged for robbery and murder. Here is sme background information on these two men, they were both born in Italy, Bartolomeo Vanzetti was born on June 11, 1988 in Villafalletto was born innorthern Italy. And Nicola Sacco was born in Torremaggiore southern Italy on April 22, 1891. The two met on may of 1917 in Boston at a meeting of Galleanist Anarchists.

Throughout their lives they committed many crimes, right now they are on trial. Their trial lasted a very long time. they have spent a lot of money on a lawyer they believe will get them out f this mess. In their case it will be very hard and there wont even be enough moneyto find a lawyer good enough to protect them. They had more people on the prosecution witnesses than on the defense witness side. As we all know many people are comletly for them to be sentenced for a very long time because of all of the things they did. They were very dangerous men. They owned very dangerous guns with out a liscence. They have killed and wounded many people, with these two men around was not safe at all. On July 10, 1927 they were sentnced to serve their time. They tought that by writting letters and petitions to the judge and the people on the jury they would have a way of getting out. During the trial they were both asked many questions and there were many lies told during this trial which shows the criminals consciousness of guilt. Sacco lied about where he was on the day of the crime why he had a gun with him on the crime date amd were he bought it and his anarchist convictions.

After all the lies and the evidence from the gun, and bullet i believe that they got what they deserved They were executed by electric chair, a terribly painful death. The jury believed them to be guilty of the crimes. Sacco and Vanzetti were executed after seven years of waiting for their sentence. The jury was correct in finding Sacco and Vanzetti guilty. The bullet matched the gun that it came from exactly.

Monday, February 7, 2011

crime small group

After seeig all the presentations on all the gansters from te prohibition era, taught me the true meaning of a gangster. Now days the word gangster is not used the way it really is. Gangster from the prohibiton era were very dangerous people who impacted a lot in man peoples lives. Being a gangster had a very big meaning to it, from robbing to kidnapping, murder etc. They were very dangerous people over all. Their life cosisted of crime, and their lives ended due to one of their crimes. The gangsterwee aslo very smart, they planed up increadible crimes and sometimes got caught but they would escape fom jail , not once but several times. These presentations showed me that ll gagsters are very similar yet theyhad completly different lies and becuse of them during the prohibition era the police was reinforced.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Acrostic Poem

P olice was reingforced.
R eingforce the law for the good of the people.
H as to ban alcohol.
I n the US
B ritish mechants were not happy.
I mportant law.
T o keep order.
I n the towns.
O rganization ment to rebellion.
N ever worked completly.

R emembered as an unforgetable period of time.
O old americans.
A nd new americans.
R einforced the different classes.
I n two different neighborhoods.
N ever agreed on anything.
G ams were exposed more and old americans did not like it.

T hought they were better than the others.
W ishing they were the better class.
E veryone loved to party.
N ever stopped drinking alcohol.
T he best was giggle water.
I it made everyone happy
E nding up chanching societys ways.
S piffy was what moll's looked for.